big bright green pleasure machine
just a quick update: my broccoli sprouts are doing fantastic! they already have small leaves, not really green yet but we are getting there! on saturday or sunday i am going to whip up something nutritious with all the green goodness.
That's awesome. Are the sprouts as easy to grow as I hear they are?
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/28/2006 2:19 am
yes, as long as you follow the directions given for the specific seeds it's easy. oh, and never use warm water to rinse your seeds/sprouts or soak in warm water, always use cool water. when i first tried to grow sprouts about a year ago i soaked them in lukewarm water because i figured that would make them grow more quickly but i ended up with a gelatinous mass that i could not rinse properly and therefore it started to smell funny and i had to toss it. otherwise it's easy. the only problems that could arise that i can think of at the moment are: sprouts go moldy pretty easily, especially in summer when it's hot, so rinse very thoroughly and regularly and look out for hairy stuff (apart from the root hair or whatever it is called).
as a part of my eat local-project starting in may i will grow more sprouts and share some of my favorite recipes.
Posted by
iris |
4/28/2006 11:47 pm