i love you (but you're green)
after a rather adventurous trip to a plant and seed exchange event in schiltern (rudimentary description in english as pdf file) i am the proud (co-)owner of quite a number of plants that hopefully will survive the weather and me. oh yes, and i have some seeds to be sown in autumn for next year. we have (yes, i like writing lists...):
- three different tomato plants (one of them should develop tiny yellow fruit, the other two are especially good for making sauces)
- three kinds of basil (indian, greek and genovese)
- two kinds of mint (greek and spearmint)
- three chilli plants (from the capsicum pubescens and frutescens variety)
- two kinds of lettuce (lollo rosso and cos lettuce, yes, i can't believe it myself...)
- lemon verbena, borage, lady's mantle, lavender and one hokkaido squash
- and last but not least a cardamom plant. realistically it won't bloom or bear fruit and can only be put outdoors when it's really warm but it looked and sounded too intriguing not to be bought. i love cardamom and when i arrange the (store bought) pods around the flower pot with the plant in it, it almost feels like the real thing... er or something like that. anyway it's nice to know what the plant looks like that produces this divine spice.
oh yes, the strawberry plants on the balcony already have tiny green fruit! let's hope it keeps getting warmer during the next weeks.