cheap thrills
the following post was saved as a draft before my trip to styria to visit my aunt. so, please ladies and gentlemen accompany me as i travel two weeks back in my time machine.
metallic rattle, dizzy feeling, newton's laws of motion in action, vision blurs, breaks squealing. you may now unfasten your seat belts. we wish you a pleasant stay in...
i have bought vegetables and herbs from the previously mentioned horticultural school in schönbrunn again. every time when shopping for veggies there i was amazed at the ridiculously low prices but this time i hardy could believe my ears when the nice lady at the register told me the price of my purchases.
this is what i bought: ten pounds of different kinds of tomatoes, two pounds of bitter gourds (how cool is that? locally grown bitter gourds!), two eggplants, one squash, two cucumbers, one small bunch of purple basil and one bunch of sage. now guess what i paid for all that. (and now consider that vienna ranks among the world's most expensive cities and make a guess again...)
drum roll and fanfare - the correct answer is: seven euro and fourtyfive cents (about 9.56 us dollars)!
Hey I tagged you for this event
Pick 5 foods that you think people must try at least once. It doesn't have to be local but it would be interesting to see what you pick for Austria. Use my post as a guide if needed
Posted by
Anonymous |
9/05/2006 2:53 am