august and everything after
i was busy studying in september, so no posts - i did play around with my moms digital camera though to share the few (culinarily speaking) memorable moments.
my first attempt to make brioches didn't turn out too bad. they looked like ducklings and some lost their little heads but nobody seemed to mind - the whole lot (twenty pieces) was gone within two days.
some people cook dumplings and creamed chanterelle mushrooms at home and some eat them in ikea restaurants (free coffee for ikea family members included). the recipe for creamed chanterelles from delicious days is actually very close to the one i remember from the days of my childhood - the only difference being that we used sour cream instead of double cream.
last but not least i got around to reproduce one of the five things to eat before you die.
more about that later...
Hallo, leider ist die Mailadresse bei mir nicht mehr präsent. Darf ich eine Karte für die WienLesung hinterlegen? Antwort am besten er Mail, oder?
Posted by
Anonymous |
11/08/2006 4:51 pm